
Showing posts from December, 2008

Porn, Public Employees, and Human Resources!

Coasting Into The New Year

New Years Revolution Memorandum

Florida Employer Denies Anti-Christmas Firing

Christmahanukwanzaakah Draws to a Close

Merry Fringemas to All!

The Continuing Saga of Agriprocessors

Jason Calcanis, Guy Kawasaki, and Me

U.S. Foreign Service - Now Hiring!

Going Green to Survive

12 Inexpensive but Meaningful Holiday Gifts

Grievance Against Muzak

New Labor Chief a Champion for Worker Rights

How To Shop in a Politically Correct Way

Best Practice Exchange: Hilda Solis: 12 Hours on Twitter

Hilda Solis: In Her Own Words

The Next Secretary Of Labor: Hilda Solis

I Read This and My Head Exploded!

HR Observations: And The News Just Keeps Getting Better: More Possible Legislation in 2009

Wary of card-check bill, tech lobbying against it