Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Management Lessons from David Letterman

The studio where The Late Show with David Lett...Image via Wikipedia

I am stuck in one of those periods where I am having a hard time coming up with stuff to write about that I think you would find interesting or stimulating. Lots of stuff going on with work. I feel slightly overwhelmed by the events going on around the world right now.

I was going to write a "Top 10 Letterman Leadership Lessons" list, but I honestly can't think of 9 funny things to say this morning. So, on that slightly downer note, here is the #1 answer to "What I learned about management on the Letterman Show"

David Letterman gives a great explanation on the difference between what you mean to say and how what you say may be perceived. He also gives a sincere apology.

This 3 minute and 40 second video ought to be mandatory viewing in the workplace. It is an excellent demonstration of how something you said can go awry and create a backlash because it had a different impact that what you may have intended.

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