Corporate Cage Match: Fedex vs. UPS

Corporate competition moves to the Web

I'm old enough to remmber the Pepsi taste test commercials when Pepsi went head to head with Coke in a tv commercial. Certainly Burger King and McDonald's have had some legendary battles.

Dunkin' Donuts recently set up a web site taking it to Starbucks.

Recently there have been a spate of web sites created by organized labor criticizing companies for a variety of things, including corporate excess and concerns about business strategy.

Tmost recent example is a corporate on corporate cage match featuring FedEx and United Parcel Service. Fedex has set up a site talking about the Brown Bailout that UPS is allegedly requesting from Congress. UPS is on twitter denying that they are getting a bailout of any kind.

There are a number of serious issues behind this battle, including competitive advantage, goevrnement regulations, labor relations, and EFCA.

I suggest you check out the site and keep an eye on the issue!

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