Human Resources Neurosis

So Human Resources professionals are overworked, and nervous about it, but still seem to be happy about it. Go figure. It is no surprise that many of us suffer from HR Neurosis.

According to, the latest Happiness at Work Index from international recruitment consultancy Badenoch & Clark shows that HR professionals in the United Kingdom are dealing with an increasing workload due to the economic crisis in Britain.

According to the study, of all industries represented in the Index, HR workers reported the highest increase in their workload since the start of 2008.

  • Eighty-eight percent said their workload had gone up, with one in four saying they are working the equivalent of an extra day per week.
  • This has increased turnover among HR professionals. Twenty-nine percent have resigned directly as a reason of the increased workload.
  • Rising workloads are also causing shaky feelings about career confidence amongst HR professionals. Fifty-six percent are less confident now than in January 2008 - the highest level of any career group.
  • HR stays resilient. Despite the nervousness, HR professionals still come to the office ready to work and satisfied with their careers. Ninety-four percent of HR staffers report being happy in their role.

HR has the happiest workers. We MUST be crazy!

With apologies to Bobby McFerrin, "Don't Worry, Be Happy" is the new HR mantra.


  1. 94% of HR report to being happy about their roles?

    I should move to the UK :-)

  2. I dunno Laurie, I saw it on the interwebs!

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