Should We Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide? - video expose

My last post dealt with a number of web sites set up by various organizations, public and private that were devoted to promoting the point of view of some special interest on a specific topic. Most of these were set up under the guise of being informative, public service sites promoting some safety issue, or some change in government policy as being good for the masses.

Actually, most of these sites are set up as artfully concealed propaganda venues for groups promoting political agendas, or what could be seen as self-serving interests when viewed in conjunction with other activities.

In this post I mused to myself about which issue I could really get behind, and while I was mildly enthusiastic about the PUMP (Preventing Unfair Price Manipulation) Act, but after due consideration, I now present what I feel is a genuine and authentic cause that I can throw my full support behind.

This serious topic is discussed in the attached video in which the famous magicians, Penn and Teller help us explore the dangers of Dihydrogen Monoxide


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