Leadership + Politics = FAIL?

In the United States, we are entering our largest election cycle, the general election. As we head towards November 5, 2008, the political and legislative agenda of our country stands on the cusp of alterations and changes that could impact business for decades to come.

There is no way to read the future. To determine whether this is a change for the better, or recycling of old ideas already fraught with failure.

What we do know is, we don't think very highly of the people we put in place every few years to do the job. A Rasmussen Report out this month shows:

The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has
fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking
history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job.

Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record
high in that dubious category.

Just 12% of voters think Congress has passed any legislation to improve life in this country over the past six months. That number has ranged from 11% to 13% throughout 2008. The majority of voters (62%) say Congress has not passed any legislation to improve life in America.

Voters hold little positive sentiment about the future. Just 41% find it at least somewhat likely that Congress will address important problems facing our nation in the near future, while 55% find this unlikely.

Despite these negative attitudes towards Congress, Democrats continue to enjoy a double digit lead on the Generic Congressional Ballot.

Most voters (72%) think most members of Congress are more interested in furthering their own political careers. Just 14% believe members are genuinely interested in helping people.

We apparently suck at deciding who we want to lead our country!


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