Half Way Home, Half Way Around the World

The original post that I put up on this topic sounded entirely more depressing than it was meant to be when I wrote it. The idea that brought me to even comment on my own birthday came out of the feeling of bemusement that I get from experiencing social networking.

I am acquainted with and have developed relationships with so many people that I would not have met in the course of my normal day, personally and professionally. The circles that one travels through in the material (meat?) world are simply too narrow to allow such contacts.

virtually, we are able to create a site like HR Bloggers and in a manner of days, see a very bright collection of talented people come together to share ideas on their profession that range from the silly to the rather profound. It is this amazing power, which we often take for granted that never ceases to amaze me.

I turned 51 on July 8th, 2008. I do know who I am. I move at the speed of electronics, and have an amazingly wide bandwidth. I can go a day without checking twitter.

I look forward to seeing what kind of celebrity A-list geek stuff is coming out of Silicon Valley. I look forward to the myriad great blog posts and exchange of comments I get to share with my HR peers around the world.

I want to spend more time writing and exploring this new part of the business world. I want my company to be on twitter.

I am in a good place...and that place is as big as our collective imagination.


  1. I think so too. I think it may be the first time in my flight where I have found myself --really -- stradding so many generation gaps at one time though. LOL

  2. Happy late b-day!


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