LinkedIn creates identity crisis for some

From email of Vincent Wright:

In keeping with Linkedin Corporation's expressed desires, I've changed the name of My Linkedin Power Forum on Linkedin Groups to Wright Hand Power Forum. I've changed the groups mission statement as follows: "Wright Hand Power Forum is the new name of the former Linkedin-centric group: "My Linkedin Power Forum". The mission of Wright Hand Power Forum is simple and straightforward: lend a hand to help each other in our networks do business better, find better jobs, and solve business problems faster." Wright Hand Power Forum opens with 5,281 membersAn invitation to the Wright Hand Power Forum on Linkedin Groups is accessible by its original URLs http://www.linkedin .com/e/gis/ 1304/10BE4F71AFD 0http://www.MyLinked inPowerForum. BIZVery shortly, you will also be able to access Wright Hand Power Forum on Linkedin Groups via the following URL: http://www.WrightHa ndPowerForum. BIZPlease help us spread the word about this significant change via StumbleUpon, Digg, your blogs, groups, associations, etc. Let's Rock n' ROLL, people!!!! :-


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